Mini Berkeley Adventure

Last Saturday Jeff and I took the day and just sort of winged it. We knew we wanted to just chill out, have some good food, and not have to deal with traffic on the bridge (so SF was out.) We stuck close to home and had a pretty awesome day in Berkeley. We tried out the newish BBQ place, Smoke, on San Pablo, walked through the local plant nursery, hunted through treasures at Omega Salvage, and admired adorable front yards in the resdential neighborhoods near by. 

I seriously lusted after that settee in one of the photos above. If I had the money and space it would have been mine! Oh well, another time, another place, another settee =) And that idea of using old drawers as planters is definitely going to happen in my yard in the near future!

If you've got interesting/inventive gardening ideas for the spring, share them in the comments if you like. Happy Tuesday everyone!