Seasons of Life

This last full moon - a blue moon - created some space and time for me to reflect on the cadence of life. Those of us with kids (or are in school ourselves) are feeling the changing over of a carefree summer to a studious fall. And even as we will continue to have warm weather in the bay area for another couple of months, the daylight hours are lessening and the evenings and early mornings are a bit chillier. Also, and I just can't help myself with this one - the season of the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back! Hate it or love it, it's definitely a lighthearted reminder of the changing of the seasons.

All to say, there are seasons for most things in life. Recently I've seen a meme circulating on Instagram, generally geared at artists but honestly applies to anyone: "Nothing in nature blooms year round." The idea being that we put so much pressure on ourselves to be productive and creative and busy ALL OF THE DAMN TIME and sometimes it's too much. Also, don't get my started on late stage capitalism. . . My point: let's all encourage ourselves and the people we love to rest when we need to and slow down when we need to. Yes the hustle is necessary sometimes, but it feels a whole lot better when you also allow yourself to rest.

On that note, I have been doing A LOT of events lately and realizing I've been remiss at updating the event calendar. I finally updated it with all of my confirmed events for the rest of the year. There will definitely be more added to the Tangleweeds roster in the coming weeks, so make sure to check back. And if you know of any events that might be a good fit for me and Tangleweeds, send me a message =). I always love hearing from you!