Mini Berkeley Adventure

Last Saturday Jeff and I took the day and just sort of winged it. We knew we wanted to just chill out, have some good food, and not have to deal with traffic on the bridge (so SF was out.) We stuck close to home and had a pretty awesome day in Berkeley. We tried out the newish BBQ place, Smoke, on San Pablo, walked through the local plant nursery, hunted through treasures at Omega Salvage, and admired adorable front yards in the resdential neighborhoods near by. 

I seriously lusted after that settee in one of the photos above. If I had the money and space it would have been mine! Oh well, another time, another place, another settee =) And that idea of using old drawers as planters is definitely going to happen in my yard in the near future!

If you've got interesting/inventive gardening ideas for the spring, share them in the comments if you like. Happy Tuesday everyone!

Along the Way

I have so many projects in the works right now that sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed. I don't like it when things get a bit un-organized, which has been happening more and more lately as I take on many of the projects that I've continually put on the back burner simply because I thought taking something more on would cause chaos to ensue. . . When I was younger I always wanted things to stay nice and tidy, but the older I get the more I realize that that's simply not possible. Not if you're objectives are to find the joy and amazing-ness in life (as much as possible). I think what I'm getting at is while I'm quite busy these days I am some how not stressing out about it as much as I would have once done. I'm even enjoying it (most of the time), and allowing a little bit of "disorganization" to happen along the way.  

This past weekend Jeff and I took his son Sean to the Berkeley Botanical Gardens. They're beautiful right now, and will be I'm sure for the next couple of months. (The roses have yet to take off yet. Give them another month or so.) The colors! Oh, so inspiring. It's funny, you would think the flowers inspired those earrings in the second photo from the top, but those were all finished by the end of the day on Friday. Those are made from pieces cut from vintage tins, and judging from the popularity of these on various social media outlets, I'll most likely be trying to get some of these into my Etsy shop soon (if they don't sell at fairs first, as they are all one-of-a-kind.) 

Sometime in the next couple of weeks this here website is going to go through a little makeover. I'm going to try to not "close for construction" for too long, but it may happen for a day or two while I tweak things to my liking. Which is a good time to remind those of you who want to: tomorrow is the last day to enter the Tangleweeds Sky Above Necklace giveaway. Contest closes tomorrow and I'll post about the winner on Wednesday. Good luck!