April Giveaway

It's here! The next Tangleweeds Giveaway. As I said when I set up the last one, I'm hoping to offer this contest once a month through 2014. This month, I'm showcasing one of my favorites from the new collection: the TailFeather earrings. Last month I had you all tell me what your favorite season of the year is (and why), this time I want to know what your favorite kind of bird is (and why). Simply leave a comment on this blog post and you'll be entered to win these earrings. Contest closes April 28th and I'll announce the winner on the blog here on the 30th. Tell your friends and good luck!


Disneyland Here I Come

Well, folks, I leave for Disneyland with my sister's family tomorrow at the crack-o-dawn (4am) so as you can imagine, I'm still functioning in over-whelmed, busy-mode. It's okay tho, a few days to just walk around and be a kid again will put everything back into perspective =). I still wanted to drop in with another edition of listening-wearing-making. . . but it's a bit abbreviated. I don't have the "wearing" part as I accidentally deleted the photos off of my camera before uploading them to my computer. Just one of those weeks! 

This week I've been listening to a lot of Gaslight Anthem. They're sort of punk-rocky. . . Something I don't listen to that much, but it's great for energizing me in the studio.

Making. . . .Well, if you've taken a look around this site you've already noticed the update and the release of the new collection! As you can imagine I've been busy making lots of the new pieces, but especially these ones, the Creekside earrings. . . 

These are a popular design; I sold several pairs at last weekend's Treasure Island Flea. I love the rough-rustic texture on the brass "stems" of these earrings. (And, in case you're wondering the ear wires are gold-platted surgical steel, so they're suitable for sensitive ears.)

I probably won't be back to the blog until next week, when I'm back home. I'm gonna try to take a bunch of photos on the trip, so look forward to lots of snaps of my nephews and my sister, her husband and I goofing off at Disneyland. Next week I'll unveil the April giveaway too. In the meantime I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of their week!

High School Art Teacher

This week's listening, wearing, making. . . 

I think I've regaled all of you with country music for enough weeks in a row. Today I wanted to share this decideldly pop song from my high school days! I was in love with this song when it first came out but didn't think it was "cool" enough back then so I pretty much kept those feelings to myself. Now, I don't really care if my music tastes are "cool" enough, so I'm sharing it here for the entire world to know about. (Those teenage years! When I look back I wonder how any of us survived!)

Wearing. . . Here's where the title of this post comes in. I got this dress for a mere three bucks at the Treasure Island Flea a couple of months ago. (Yes, I love to shop at the same events that I sell at!) This dress just seems like the perfect dress for a high school art teacher. And I've been told by a few friends that I dress like one. Which I take as a HUGE compliment of course =). 


Making. . . I think I've been saying this for the last few weeks, but I'm still mostly working on the new collection. That's going to change soon as I make the time to make more of my classics and build up my inventory stock for my many spring and summer craft fairs. Here's what will be my last sneak peek of the new collection until I release the look-book and put the items up in my Etsy shop. It's always hard to say which pieces are my favorites, but in this photo I'm loving the necklace on the far right and the earrings on the far left. 


Yesterday I finished taking all of the photos of the new pieces. Today I'm back in the studio. Tomorrow I'll be at the 25th Street Collective for Art Murmur in Oakland. A Tangleweeds trifecta of very different types of days! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. And don't forget to enter the Tangleweeds Giveaway if you haven't already!

New Favorites Old Favorites

A quick edition of Listening, Wearing, Making as I have to run off to the city soon. As the title suggests, this post is all about new and old favorites. Starting with a new (to me) favorite band, I See Hawks in LA. Loving their most recent album, Mystery Drug. This song is off of that album. (Think country-rock with great harmonies.)

Wearing: two old favorites. This bear-print dress and these boots. The boots are great what with all the rain we've been having and the dress is so so comfortable. 


Making: lots of new designs! Here's a sneak peek at some of the colors and shapes you'll be seeing in the new collection soon. 


Gotta run to the city soon. Have a great weekend everyone!

New Designs, New Ideas

I have been so pleasantly busy in the studio so far this year! There are literally more ideas for new designs knocking around in my head than I have time to realize. My spring/summer collection is coming along nicely, you can see hints of it in some of the photos below. Certain colors and shape elements. 


The above piece were part of a re-stock at Oak Common in Oakland. If you haven't checked out this great shop on Grand Ave, you should! It'd be a great place to pick up a Valentine's gift for a gal or a guy.


The above two photos are from events from the past weekend. On Friday I was at the 25th Street Collective for First Friday (local folks, keep in mind I'm there EVERY month if you want to know where to come and see me and the designs in person). On Saturday I was at Jack of All Trades. And any time you want more info on where you can find Tangleweeds, simply head on over to the events page.


Above you can see hints of the new collection. A lot of the jewelry above are vintage or antique pieces (I'm a bit of a collector/hoarder when it comes to jewelry). While these pieces won't actually be re-made into new pieces, they sort of act as a "moodboard" for me. I love to lay out a bunch of supplies and pieces of jewelry that I'm vibing with in a strong way and see where my imagination takes me. 


These brass earrings are all classic Tangleweeds designs. Sold quite a few of these at Jack of All Trades. 


Bangles that were shipped out to new homes last week. 


Part of my workspace yesterday. If you saw my work table today you'd laugh. It's a disaster! When I get into full-on designing mode things can get a bit messy in the stuido. It's all part of the process!

I know I've been teasing you guys with the mention of a men's collection too, and it is coming! There's been a bit of a slow down on some areas as I source just the right supplies. I hope to debut a small selection of the men's pieces at March's First Friday. Keep checking back here and you'll be the first to know when the pieces are available.

Alrighty, it's back to the workbench and the work table for me!