Where Has the Time Gone?

I’m not sure where 2022 has gone! And as I write that I realize I’ve been completely absent from this space for nearly two years. After losing Jeff, well. . . life has been a crazy ride since then. And this post will in no way try to catch you up on everything that has transpired for me, but I am here to say hello and acknowledge the radio silence. Initially, after Jeff passed, I was very open about talking about my grief and what I was going through. As time passed I found myself needing to compartmentalize what I was going through depending on who I was connecting with, and that was not healthy for me. Moving forward I’m hoping to un-do a lot of personal programming I have in me about compartmentalizing myself, for the sake of making others comfortable, and I think that part of moving forward will be allowing myself to share my story more openly and freely.

On that note, it’s basically the wilds of the crazy holiday season right now, and I’m in full blown holiday prep mode. Lots of events coming up! If you haven’t checked out my Events page, you should! That’s the best place to find out where you can find me (and Tangleweeds) in person this holiday season. If you’re a regular around here then you already know about this, but I’ll be running my third annual website treasure hunt and sale this holiday season too! It’s so much fun. If you don't know what I’m talking about you should definitely subscribe to my newsletter, as subscribers get first dibs on the fun. Basically I hide promo and discount codes all over the website, for up to 60% off an order, or a free gift with purchase, that sort of thing. It’s a lot of fun!

I hope you’re doing well and finding some peace this holiday season. Part of me isn’t ready for the holidays and part of me has been thrilled for cozy things like fireplaces and warm socks, lights on trees, and steaming mugs of hot chocolate, and lots of time with loved ones. I hope this season is a cozy one for you too!