Yup, so things get busy around here and the blog falls apart. K, just being a bit dramatic, but seriously, things are busy around here. I wanted to drop in with a Listening-Wearing-Making edition tho, 'cause, well, I have something to share! Good reason, right? =)
I like to let off steam before craft fairs by having one-person dance parties in my living room. Beyonce is pretty awesome for this. . .
Wearing. . . well, it's another feet shot! I've been half-living in my torn-up "boyfriend" jeans ever since I unearthed them from the bottom of my dirty hamper (and washed them first.) Also, barefeet, when at home at least, because I love barefeet once the weather warms up.
Making. . . Lots of my Drape style necklaces. (Which are also part of this month's giveaway contest if you haven't already entered.) These sell like hotcakes at my craft fairs and I have a TON of craft fairs this summer, so necessity shall dictate the maker's day. At least every now and then. . . (also, whim, spontaneity and inspiration!)
This weekend I'll be vending at the Treasure Island Flea. Maybe I'll see you there?! If not, have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!