It's been a few months since I've offered a contest giveaway here on the blog. So, it's time to bring them back! (Monthly, is the goal this year.) For February's giveaway I'll be offering up a pair of my hand-forged Singularity earrings. Whoever wins this giveaway will be receiving my LAST pair of these!
As I mentioned in a post a couple weeks back I'll be discontinuing a few designs this month. I have several reasons for doing this. There's a fine balancing act when you're a small business owner making the product that you sell. I'll be rolling out a lot of new designs this year, and I can't possibly keep up with the making of all of them if I don't whittle the selection down a bit. Also, some of the designs I'll be discontinuing I've been making for quite sometime now, and in the interest of my creative muse I'd rather not make more of them. And, lastly, some designs have simply ebbed in popularity as is want to happen.
As Tangleweeds continues to grow, knowing when to say "no" or to not do something will be just as important as knowing when to leap or say "yes."
On to the giveaway details! For those of you who would like to enter, simply leave a little comment here on the blog. I'm gonna go with a new year's theme with this one: In your comment mention something about your goals for the new year. I love hearing about what others hope to manifest in 2015!
I'll pick a winner right around Valentine's day and announce it here on the blog and on Instagram on the 16th. Have a wonderful week!