Plans for the Early Bird Holiday Sale 

Time for some real talk. This year's been a doozy. I've moved my studio twice all amidst continuing to run my business. It's also been an ever-evolving process adjusting to my new life in Vallejo. There's been lots and lots of good stuff this year, but still, it's probably been one of my most challenging years in quite some time, at least regarding running Tangleweeds. 


With all of that said, when I started planing for the holidays I had a mini-panic, meltdown wondering how I was going to make all of the prep happen. There were two things that immediately went though my head:

1. I have to accept that what I can do is enough. (I'm always on this journey of accepting my best as "enough.") 
2. How can I do things differently that will help alleviate some of the stress and craziness? 

Almost immediately I found myself thinking, "why not have my BIG holiday sale early?" That way I can get most of the holiday orders out the door and shipped to all of the amazing Tangleweds collectors out there and still have time to prep for my events. I also hope this early sale might help alleviate some of the last-minute holiday crazies for you too!

With all of that said, I'll be announcing my sale via my newsletter next week.* I'll be offering 35% off all regularly priced items in the webshop for one week only, from the 13th to the 19th of November.** You'll want to subscribe to my newsletter here to receive the coupon code so you can take advantage of these great savings when my sale starts!

In the meantime, have a lovely rest of your week and weekend!

*Subscribers will get first dibs on the sale, like always!
**sale applies to retail prices only